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Did Elon Musk Just Trigger a New Netscape Moment?

A small corner of the stock market is poised to go bananas…

In the first few months of 2023, it’s already produced 187%, 379%, and even 865% gains among a slew of stocks…

And it doesn’t look like it’s stopping anytime soon…

So much so that investing in this corner of the market could be like buying internet stocks in the mid-90s.

Let me explain…

Rewind back to 1994; Netscape Communications Corporation launches their groundbreaking browser, opening the gates of the internet to the masses.

Before this, the internet was a playground for only the most dedicated tech enthusiasts.

But Netscape changed the game…

Its user-friendly interface and intuitive navigation system brought a new era of digital communication and collaboration…

And as Netscape’s browser gained traction, it triggered a massive surge in internet adoption… and with it, internet stocks began to soar.

Microsoft, just beginning to take advantage of the internet’s sheer reach, saw their stock value rise by more than 10x in the few years following Netscape’s launch…

Oracle, pioneering multimedia applications, enjoyed a staggering 29x return on their stock six years later…

Cisco Systems, a key player in the internet trend, saw a colossal 55x return after Netscape’s launch…

And today, we find ourselves on the brink of something similar

…another seismic “Netscape Moment”.

You see, tech titans Elon Musk and Peter Thiel, alongside other Silicon Valley insiders, have just ignited a new “Netscape moment” for a radical new technology

We’re talking about a technology that Barron’s says could “upend the world even more than the internet”.

As we speak, this “Netscape moment” is already triggering an astronomical rally among a specific class of stocks, much like the internet stocks in the mid-90s…

If you’re wondering what these stocks are, and how you can get in on the action, you’re in luck…

A legendary investor who called the 2000, 2008 and 2022 crashes has put together a video presentation with details about this technology…

Including information on how Elon Musk and his silicon valley cohorts just triggered another “Netscape Moment”… one that could create a whirlwind in one corner of the stock market similar to internet stocks in the 90s.

About Fry’s Investment Report

With Fry’s Investment Report, Eric Fry’s goal is to track the world’s biggest macroeconomic and geopolitical events – and help investors make big gains from those emerging opportunities. Eric is a 30-year international finance expert, former hedge fund manager, and InvestorPlace’s resident expert on global investment trends. He founded his own investment management firm and served as a partner in several others. In 2016, he won the Portfolios With Purpose stock-picking contest – Wall Street’s most prestigious investment competition – making him America’s Top Trader.

*All investing includes risk of loss*
