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AI’s Predictive Power for Your Portfolio

The age of AI investing is here, but so too are AI scams … a special event tonight with Louis Navellier and Keith Kaplan … how AI is changing investing … amazingly accurate AI predictions

There’s something huge happening in the world of investing.

People everywhere are talking about it – from mom ‘n pop investors, to billionaire hedge fund managers, to the financial/investment media…

I bet you’re talking about it too, or at least thinking about it – and for good reason – it’s going to change everything.

I’m talking about the synthesis of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and investing.

On one hand, this is a bit like the investment Holy Grail.

AI holds the promise of hyperintelligent algorithms that scan trillions of data points in fractions of a second, incorporating changing market conditions in real time, providing investors an extraordinary edge over those individuals without such revolutionary tools.

On the other hand, this brand-new investment landscape is ripe for imposters.

You’ve likely heard how “deep fake” videos are ushering in brand-new dangers involving cyber-attacks and misinformation. It’s the dark side of our accelerating technological capability. Well, the great deep fake of the investment world is becoming “investing AI.” In other words, every investment service out there will claim to have harnessed this revolutionary technology.

It’s already happening on such a scale that the California Department of Financial Protection & Innovation recently released the following warning:

Scammers are aware of the hype around AI and are using this hype to their advantage to trick investors.

One common type of investment fraud is where scammers use certain buzzworthy terms to entice investors to hand over their money.

The DFPI has recently noticed an increase in investment scams that claim to use AI to make money for investors. Usually, these types of investment frauds claim that their AI can trade crypto on behalf of investors and generate too-good-to-be-true profits. 

Bottom line: Get ready for a deluge of AI/investment hype. Unfortunately, as our CEO Brian Hunt put it recently, “most investment services won’t know the difference between Artificial Intelligence and artificial flavors.”

Well, tonight at 8 pm ET, legendary investor Louis Navellier is co-hosting The A.I. Prediction Project Event with Keith Kaplan, who’s the CEO of our corporate partner, TradeSmith. It will pull back the curtain on AI investing and introduce an AI tool that could put you ahead of 99% of other investors.

But wait – we just said the union of AI and investing will bring loads of imposters and be filled with hype.

Why should you put any confidence in tonight’s AI event? How is it any different than what I just warned about?

Separating the imposters from the real deal

Without question, skepticism is the right posture to adopt when it comes to AI and investing.

So, come to tonight’s event with a healthy dose of it… with an exceedingly-high bar to pass… with an attitude demanding evidence…

But most importantly, come.

For the first reason why, let’s look at the market veterans who are behind tonight’s event.

Regular Digest readers are already familiar with Louis. He is one of the early pioneers of using predictive algorithms to scour the markets for quantitatively strong stocks. Forbes even named him the “King of Quants.”

As a quantitative investor, he uses strict investment rules that are rooted in cold, impartial numbers. It’s been this way for decades, and has resulted in one of the most envied, multi-year track records in the investment industry.

And what about Keith Kaplan and TradeSmith?

They’ve been at the cutting-edge of the algorithmic investment space for years – the polar opposite of “deep fake.”

TradeSmith is in a constant state of R&D (research and development) to make their quant-based products better.

They’ve spent over $19 million and over 11,000 man-hours developing their market analysis algorithms.

They have a staff of 36 people working solely on developing and maintaining their software and data systems. Their systems run day and night, processing information and spotting major opportunities.

All that work, all that time, and all that expense is devoted to a single goal: Leveling the Wall Street playing field.

And years ago, they saw AI was the way to do that. So, developing a predictive AI algorithm was really their next logical step.

Tonight at 8 PM, Keith and Louis will unveil this predictive AI service and show you exactly how powerful it is.

Understanding what AI investing is, and is not

Until very recently, my impression of AI-enhanced investing was accurate but incomplete.

I thought of it in the way that Louis has used algorithmic trading for years: You have high-powered computers that run detailed, hand-designed algorithms, engineered to scour the market for the quantitative “fingerprints” of a homerun investment.

Now, while this is a powerful form of AI-investing, today’s AI advancements are are taking it one step further.

With the latest generation of AI, you don’t tell the computer to look for specific “data clues” that you believe are suggestive of a stock that could climb higher. Instead, you tell the AI program your end goal (a climbing stock price) and it does the heavy lifting of figuring out the right input parameters to achieve the goal.

For more on this, as well as how this feature looks in TradeSmith’s new AI tool, let’s turn to TradeSmith’s CEO, Keith Kaplan:

With incredible computing power and AI at our fingertips, our team embarked on the most important research project in our company’s history… one that could help you make much bigger stock market returns than you’re making now, while taking less risk…

We call this “Project An-E” (pronounced Annie).

But, here’s the key: Not just anyone can create a program like this…

You need a lot of money, and you need access to a tremendous amount of data.

Then you have to make sure the data is accurate before you feed it into the machine.

Not only that, but once the machine finds a useful model, you have to run that model through every type of market in the past to “train” the system to work in all types of scenarios.

It took us a while to get to the point where we could reliably trust An-E to predict a stock’s future price action.

But it was all worth it, because what makes An-E so powerful is that through all this training and development, humans aren’t the ones setting the parameters. Humans are prone to errors and bias, and our fallibility can skew the results.

An-E doesn’t have biases.

It’s designed to create its own optimal parameters based purely on getting a desired result: helping folks make money and avoid taking unnecessary risks.

Examples of what An-E can do

Keith recently presented the results of some of An-E’s back-tests and predictions.

This first one is a system test on Ball Corp.

Below, the red “X” represents when An-E made its prediction and the blue circles represent its price predictions two weeks, one month, and two months into the future.

So, how did things play out?

Below is what actually happened. The green line shows Ball Corp.’s stock path over the next two months.

Below is another example Keith provided from Ameren Corp.

Here’s An-E’s prediction…

And here’s what actually happened:

Back to Keith:

Those are only two examples. There are many more just like them.

This kind of accuracy wouldn’t have been possible without A.I.

But we’ve found a way to harness it and put it into your hands.

We’re going to go over all the details of An-E, our breakthrough A.I.- driven, market forecasting algorithm in a special event on tonight at 8 pm ET.

Join us tonight and make us prove that AI investing isn’t all hype

Let’s jump to Louis:

Our friends at TradeSmith put the finishing touches on an A.I. market forecasting system, designed specifically for the everyday person.

And early tests show it’s been astonishingly accurate…

Many of its one-month forecasts are predicting stock prices either spot on or to within a tenth of a percent.

Join Louis and Keith tonight for the evidence backing this claim. Find out what An-E can do – and demand proof.

Bigger picture, find out how AI is already revolutionizing investing. Learn why Goldman Sachs, Bridgewater, JPMorgan, BlackRock… you name it… are all using A.I. to gain an edge.

AI is in the process of creating a line-in-the-sand between investors who benefit from it and investors who continue doing things the old way. As Keith recently wrote “when you use A.I. to invest, it’s like having 100,000 financial analysts at your fingertips. And, as a result, you can predict what’s going to happen with stock prices with stunning accuracy.”

Get all the details tonight at 8 PM at Keith’s and Louis’ A.I. Prediction Project Event. Just click here to reserve your seat and we’ll see you there.

Have a good evening,

Jeff Remsburg
