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Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Broken Pipes?

There’s a difference between a slow leak and a burst pipe

Reviewed by Ebony HowardFact checked by Yarilet Perez

Cold weather has caused a pipe to burst in your home, and water has ruined your wood floors. Will homeowners insurance cover pipe replacement? It depends on your policy.

Water damage may be covered under homeowners’ insurance, but it depends largely on the nature of the aquatic mishap. If the damage occurs as a result of something sudden or unforeseen—like a broken pipe, a leaking air conditioning unit, or a malfunctioning washing machine—the policy typically covers it.

Key Takeaways

  • Homeowners insurance generally covers damage due to broken pipes if their collapse is sudden and unforeseen.
  • However, water damage that occurs gradually due to a leaky or rusty pipe is generally not covered.
  • If you believe your claim has been unjustly denied, consider getting a second opinion from a licensed professional or a consumer advocacy organization familiar with insurance in your region.

Different Forms Of Damage

However, if the cause is “gradual damage” that happens over a long period of time—due to a leaky pipe, for example, or a crack in your home’s foundation—the insurance company may balk. Sometimes, it is hard to know whether or not homeowners insurance will cover plumbing.

All insurance policies exclude problems due to wear and tear as well as gradual damage. However, there may be some exceptions. “Resulting damage,” for example, may occur as a result of a cracked water tank, an exploding dishwasher, or, yes, a broken pipe. If a dishwasher explodes, the answer to “Does homeowners insurance cover burst pipes?” would be yes.

How Insurance Views Pipes

Most insurance companies would consider a home’s plumbing to be under normal homeowner maintenance. The property owner is responsible for making sure pipes don’t freeze, are kept unclogged, screwed tight, and generally maintained—and to be on the lookout for mold, mildew, or other signs of water damage that suggest a small crack, hairline fracture, or leak somewhere.

Damage that develops gradually due to a slowly leaking, rusting, or deteriorating pipe is generally not covered. However, leaky pipes are different from broken pipes or burst pipes. These gushers could potentially flood the entire home. So, the damage and destruction they bring are covered, usually under the all-perils section of your homeowner’s insurance.

If you live in a northern climate and your broken pipe is a result of freezing due to a lack of heat in the home, an insurance company could cite your negligence and deny your claim. Broken pipes must happen suddenly and accidently and shouldn’t have been easily preventable. If you ignore a leaking pipe and it subsequently bursts, the insurance company can see evidence of a long-term leak and deny the claim.


Homeowners insurance only covers floods due to internal causes, not acts of nature. A separate flood insurance policy protects from havoc wrought by external or natural forces, like rising waters or overflowing sewers.

What Is Covered?

Some policies distinguish between resulting damage and initial damage. If, for example, water damage resulting from a broken pipe or appliance is listed in your insurance policy wording as covered, then you may be compensated for some or all of the damages caused, even if they didn’t occur immediately.

After a pipe bursts, homeowners insurance covers the resulting damage to the:

  • Carpet or rugs
  • Floors
  • Drywall
  • Paint

Other covered services might include:

  • Water clean up
  • Dry out the home
  • Mold prevention

Ironically, the cost of repairing the busted pipe or of replacing the broken appliance—the cause of the problem—is not covered.

How To Avoid Having A Water Damage Claim Denied

It’s important to have your plumbing inspected by a licensed professional regularly and maintain records of repairs and the professionals you have hired over the years to do inspections and maintenance. These records could become very important in the event of a claim.

Different portions of your home’s plumbing will have various life spans. Home improvement loans can help you pay for the cost of replacing pipes that are beyond their intended service lives. In northern climates, be sure to leave your home’s heat on, even if it is set to low, during the winter, especially if you are leaving for an extended period of time.

Every home, regardless of climate, should have a water shutoff valve. Know where this valve is located, and make sure it is operable in case you need to turn off the water quickly.

If you are uninsured or underinsured and experience a natural disaster, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) disaster assistance is available to help with household needs and expenses, including home repairs and rental assistance.

What To Do If Your Claim Is Denied

If you were denied coverage that you think should have applied to the damage caused by a leaky pipe, you might consider getting a second opinion from a licensed professional or consumer advocacy organization familiar with insurance in your region.

Your insurance company may also have an ombudsman who can help review your file. You can also contact your state insurance commissioner for guidance or to file a complaint.

Why Would a Water Damage Claim Get Denied?

If the water damage resulted from an event or accident, it might be covered under the policy. However, if the damage is due to wear and tear or lack of maintenance, the claim will likely be denied.

Does Homeowners Insurance Cover a Leaking Pipe in the Wall?

Typically, homeowners insurance will cover damage to the home if it results from an event covered by the policy. However, it may not be covered if the damage is due to age or normal wear and tear.

What Does Homeowners Insurance Cover?

Typically, homeowners insurance covers expenses due to a covered event, including damage to the home or property from vandalism, theft, fire, or a hurricane. Your personal buildings may also be covered, depending on the policy.

The Bottom Line

If you’re unsure whether your insurance will cover water damage caused by a leaky or busted water pipe, it’s important to review the exact wording of your policy with your insurance advisor, agent, or broker. You will also need to review your policy’s exclusions and type of coverage.

Make sure you understand all the coverages on your policy and have a good grasp of the exclusions, as well as your responsibilities as a homeowner. In addition, perform regular maintenance of your home every spring and fall to avoid surprises. Regular minor repairs can help you avoid large expenses.

Also, don’t underinsure your home. Make sure you purchase the best insurance for your needs, and remember to inquire about extra coverage if you think you need it.

Read the original article on Investopedia.
