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How to Play Apple’s Big AI Reveal Tomorrow

Where is Apple (AAPL) in the AI Race?

As I like to say, they are the $3 trillion elephant NOT in the room, if you will, when it comes to the AI Race. 

Amazon (AMZN), Microsoft (MSFT), Alphabet (GOOGL) and Nvidia (NVDA). They’re all “all-in” with AI. And their stocks are soaring as a result. But Apple has been noticeably quiet about its AI investments and developments. And their stock is suffering as a result. 

Once upon a time – back in 2018 when Apple was the world’s only trillion-dollar tech company – Apple was worth nearly 7X as much as Nvidia. Just yesterday, though, Nvidia became more valuable than Apple. 

So… I ask again… where is Apple in the AI Race?

They’re about to show up in a big way on Monday, June 10th, at 1pm Eastern, in Apple’s annual Worldwide Developer Conference

The Event to Watch

You see – every year, Apple hosts the Worldwide Developer Conference (or WWDC, for short) in which the company provides major software updates to Apple customers and even launches new products and services. 

They’ve been doing this ever since 1983. It is a must-watch event for anyone interested in Apple’s next biggest products and services. 

Back in 2006, for example, Apple used the WWDC to launch the Mac Pro. At the 2008 WWDC, they launched the App Store. Just last year, at the 2023 WWDC, they launched the Vision Pro. 

And this year, at the 2024 WWDC – which is set for tomorrow, Monday, June 10th, at 1pm Eastern – I predict they’re going to unveil their long-overdue, highly-anticipated blueprint for the AI race. 

I think it is going to be a huge moment – a moment that potentially turns the whole AI industry on its head. 

If you think Apple is asleep at the wheel on AI… think again. 

If you think that with all the money, experience, and talent they have, Apple doesn’t recognize the generational opportunity that is AI… think again. 

They recognize it.

Something to Remember

But here’s the thing about Apple. Or, rather, here are the two big things about Apple:

  1. They don’t like to be first. 
  2. When they do something, they do it big and they do it right. 

Just think about the iPhone. 

It wasn’t the first smartphone to market. That was the Blackberry. The first real Blackberry came out in 2002. The first iPhone wasn’t released until 2007, a full five years later. 

Apple wasn’t first to the smartphone market. 

But they were the best. 

And that’s the second thing about Apple. They don’t arrive first to a technological megatrend, but when they do arrive, they arrive with a bang.

Apple is about to arrive at the AI party with a bang. 

Amazon. Microsoft. Alphabet. Nvidia. They’re all dancing the night away in the AI party right now. But come June 10th, at 1pm Eastern, Apple is going to show up to the party. When they do, everyone is going to stop dancing and turn their heads towards Apple’s arrival. 

That’s what June 10th is shaping up to be – Apple’s head-turning moment in the AI Race

I think what they announce on June 10th will revolutionize the AI industry, and I also think that it could be a huge money-making opportunity if you position yourself correctly. 

The Final Word

Given Apple’s history, I don’t think they are going to attack the AI Boom all by themselves. They’re likely going to partner with other firms to help create the best AI products and services. The key to making a bunch of money from Apple’s AI plan, then, is to invest in their AI partners. 

I think I’ve found one tiny company in particular that could be a huge Apple AI partner.

It’s all just speculation, but I think the dots here connect in a manner which suggests one tiny, largely-unknown company could become a major part of Apple’s AI plan. 

If they do – and if that is announced tomorrow – then this tiny stock could soar in the coming months. 

Needless to say, this is a stock you need to hear about right now. Because if it they don’t win an Apple AI partnership, I still think they have huge upside as an explosive AI play. 

Click here to get all the details now.  

On the date of publication, Luke Lango did not have (either directly or indirectly) any positions in the securities mentioned in this article.

P.S. You can stay up to speed with Luke’s latest market analysis by reading our Daily Notes! Check out the latest issue on your Innovation Investor or Early Stage Investor subscriber site.
