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OpenAI Races Toward AGI with its New Breakthrough Model

Two years ago, in a seminal moment for the industry, tech startup OpenAI launched its next-gen chatbot, ChatGPT. That was, after all, the moment that many consider the dawn of the Age of AI. 

But that splashy debut may well have just been OpenAI getting its feet wet.

Now it appears the company is preparing for its ‘second act.’ We think it could be far bigger than its first. And it may even lead OpenAI to become the most important and powerful company in the world. 

That’s because the firm is quickly gaining ground when it comes to artificial general intelligence (AGI), widely considered the endgame for AI development. 

AGI is the top tier of the AI pyramid. As McKinsey & Company explains, it will be able to “replicate human-like cognitive abilities including reasoning, problem solving, perception, learning, and language comprehension.”

“AGI tools could feature cognitive and emotional abilities (like empathy) indistinguishable from those of a human. Depending on your definition of AGI, they might even be capable of consciously grasping the meaning behind what they’re doing.”

Clearly, when this AI breakthrough is achieved, it will be an incredibly big deal, likely reshaping every facet of our daily lives.

And right now, OpenAI is making leaps and bounds toward this near-fantastical future.
