At their core, interest rate swaps are a derivative instrument built on the premise of comparative advantage. To see how interest rate swaps benefit both parties, try to understand gains from trade in a macro-setting and then apply those lessons to micro-swap transactions.
There are other possible advantages—information asymmetries might exist in capital markets, or the two parties may simply have different risk profiles—but the most common benefits are derived from comparative advantages in different credit markets.
Key Takeaways
- Companies can reduce borrowing costs by entering into interest rate swaps, swapping fixed and floating rates.
- The swaps are based on the comparative advantage of the companies, where each party benefits from their strengths in the credit market.
- The terms of swap agreements allow for efficiency that neither party could achieve without the other.
What Is Comparative Advantage?
Comparative advantage refers to the ability of an entity to produce a good or service at a lower opportunity cost than another entity. This idea is centered on relative efficiency, not absolute efficiency.
Consider the following example: During a single hour of labor, Tom can either plant five trees or 10 bushes. During the same hour of labor, Jerry can either plant two trees or eight bushes. Tom is absolutely more efficient than Jerry in planting either type of plant.
However, for every bush that Tom plants, he gives up one-half of a tree (his opportunity cost); Jerry only has to sacrifice one-quarter of a tree to plant a bush. Jerry is relatively more efficient at planting bushes than Tom. This is Jerry’s comparative advantage.
Suppose Tom plants one tree for Jerry in exchange for Jerry planting three bushes for him. On his own, Tom would normally have to give up one and a half trees to plant three bushes. Meanwhile, Jerry would have to give up four bushes to plant one tree on his own. By specializing and trading, both parties benefit.
Benchmark rates, such as SOFR, Euribor, and the fed funds rate, are used to set the floating rate component of interest rate swaps.
Comparative Advantage in Interest Rate Swaps
Now, for instance, take the most simple version of an interest rate swap. One party trades fixed-rate interest payments in exchange for floating-rate interest payments of another party. Each demonstrates a comparative advantage in a particular credit market.
For instance, a company with a higher credit rating pays less to raise funds under identical terms than a less creditworthy company. The borrowing premium paid by the lower-rated company is greater in relation to fixed-interest rate borrowing than it is for floating-rate borrowings.
Even though the company with a higher credit rating could get lower terms in both fixed and floating rate markets, it only has a comparative advantage in one of them. Suppose Company AA can borrow in the fixed-rate markets at 10% or the six-month SOFR at SOFR + 0.35%. Company BBB can borrow fixed at 11.25% or the six-month SOFR + 1%.
Both companies would like to borrow $10 million over 10 years. A mutually profitable swap can be negotiated as follows: Company AA borrows at a 10% fixed rate and BBB borrows at SOFR + 1%. Company AA agrees to pay BBB interest at the flat six-month SOFR (not + 1%) and receives a fixed rate of 9.9% in exchange.
The net effect is that Company AA is actually borrowing at SOFR + 0.1%, or 0.25% less than if it went directly to floating-rate lenders. Company BBB is actually borrowing, on net, a fixed rate of 10.9% (the 1% on SOFR and 9.9% to AA), which is 0.35% less than a direct fixed loan. In this example, the two companies have arbitraged their relative opportunity cost differences.
What Is an Interest Rate Swap?
Interest rate swaps are derivative instruments contracted between two parties. One party pays a fixed rate and another a floating rate based off a notional amount. The notional amount is not exchanged, only the rates. The floating rate is based on a benchmark rate, such as SOFR. Interest rate swaps are used by counterparties to manage risk or lower borrowing costs.
What Are the Disadvantages of Interest Rate Swaps?
There are a few disadvantages with interest rate swaps, including counterparty risk, interest rate risk, and liquidity risk. Once entered into an IRS, interest rate changes can cause the floating portion value to change, possibly resulting in a loss for one party. If one party wants to exit the agreement, they would need the other party to agree, and it can be costly to end the swap early if they do not. In addition, there is counterparty risk as the other party could default leaving the standing party with a loss.
What Is an Absolute Advantage?
An absolute advantage is the ability of a party, either a country or another group, to produce more of a good than the other party with the same amount of resources, or the same amount of a good with fewer resources. This shows that the party is more efficient in production than the other party. The concept applies in trade where countries should produce the goods they have an absolute advantage in and import other goods. If all countries do this, everyone benefits through increased efficiency.
The Bottom Line
Interest rate swaps involve two parties exchanging fixed and floating rates based on their comparative advantages in borrowing costs, creating mutual benefits for both. This allows parties to receive better and more efficient terms than they would otherwise receive on their own. The concept is based on the idea of comparative advantage in trade between two parties.