Dividend Stocks

What New Year’s Resolutions Teach Us About Stock Market Trends

Editor’s Note: We’re getting close to the end of 2024, which means it’s time to start thinking about any resolutions you want to take into the New Year. The most popular resolutions involve health, whether it’s to be more active, eat healthier or a combination of the two. New Year’s resolutions have a seasonality to them, starting with high motivation in January, but it starts to fade going into February and March. This seasonality occurs in the stock market, too.

On Wednesday, January 8, TradeSmith CEO Keith Kaplan is going to share how this seasonality works. He and his team ran tests over the last 33 years of historical data, and discovered how to buy stocks at very specific times. You can sign up for the webinar here.

But for now, I’ll let Keith explain a bit more about how it coincides with New Year’s resolutions.
