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Magna Cum Laude vs. Summa Cum Laude: What’s the Difference?

Magna Cum Laude

Magna cum laude is one of three Latin honors used by many academic institutions to recognize their best students.The first level is cum laude, which means “with honor,” or “with praise.”Magna cum laude is the next level up, meaning “Great honor.”The third and highest level is summa cum laude, meaning “Highest honor.”The Latin honors are widely used in the United States, as well as throughout Europe and some Asian countries. Institutions that do not use the Latin honor system often use a different system to recognize excellent students.The Latin honors are generally awarded to undergraduate students who achieve the highest level of excellence on their studies, and are also widely used among law schools. Latin honors are rarely used in other graduate level programs.There are no single, standardized criteria for awarding these honors. Each college or university sets their own standards to apply to their own students. Schools usually publish their honors criteria in their academic guidelines.Grade point average is almost always one of the criteria, but usually not the only one. Other criteria may include class rank, writing an honors thesis, or being part of an honors program. The honor received is normally indicated on the graduating student’s diploma.

Reviewed by Margaret JamesFact checked by Suzanne Kvilhaug

Magna Cum Laude vs. Summa Cum Laude: An Overview

Collectively known as Latin honors, summa cum laude, magna cum laude, or cum laude signify varying levels of high academic achievement. Summa cum laude is the prize granted to top performers, awarded to a small fraction of college graduates each year. Magna cum laude comes next in prestige, followed by cum laude.

Key Takeaways

  • Magna cum laude and summa cum laude are distinctions awarded to high-achieving students at colleges.
  • Magna cum laude is for students who have graduated “with great distinction.”
  • Summa cum laude is for students who have graduated “with the highest distinction.”
  • There is no universal standard about GPA or other metrics for granting the honors, rather, it is up to each individual school or university,
  • In some cases, individual departments may determine what constitutes the award.

Understanding Cum Laude Distinctions

What Is Cum Laude?

“Cum laude” is a Latin term that translates to “with praise” or “with honor” in English. In academic contexts, particularly in higher education, it is used to denote a level of academic achievement. Generally, it signifies that the student’s academic performance ranks above average within their graduating class but may not necessarily be at the very top.

What Is Magna Cum Laude?

For college graduates who haven’t managed to squeeze in a Latin course or don’t have a Latin-English dictionary handy, magna cum laude is often loosely translated as “with great distinction.” It stands above cum laude, which means “with distinction.” It might be handed out to a student who has earned high grades or some other mark of academic achievement, but not the highest possible.

What Is Summa Cum Laude?

Like summiting a mountain, the student who has achieved summa cum laude has achieved “the highest distinction.” This student has earned grades within the highest percentage of their school or department or has achieved some other metric that the school considers worthy of the highest recognition. The Latin word “laude” can also be translated as “honor” or “praise,” as in the English word “laudatory.”

How Do Colleges Decide Which Distinction to Award?

There is no national standard for what it takes to qualify for these honors. Colleges and universities are free to set their own criteria.

At the University of Pennsylvania, for example, students need a grade point average (GPA) of 3.8 or higher to graduate summa cum laude, 3.6 for magna cum laude, and 3.4 for cum laude. Ohio State University’s College of Arts and Sciences sets the bars at 3.9, 3.7, and 3.5, respectively.

Even the individual colleges or schools within a particular university sometimes have different requirements. For example, at the University of Michigan’s College of Engineering, graduates must have a GPA of at least 3.75 to qualify for summa cum laude, while Michigan’s Law School graduate needs a 4.0 to qualify for the same honor. 

Rather than using GPA, some colleges award Latin honors based on a student’s class rank. For example, New York University confers summa cum laude honors on the top 5% of its undergraduate class, magna cum laude on the next 10%, and cum laude on the next 15%, meaning that 30% of its graduates receive one of the three honors. At Northwestern University’s Weinberg College of Arts & Sciences, summa cum laude goes to graduates in the top 5%, magna cum laude to the next 8%, and cum laude to the next 12%, for a total of 25%.

In addition to the numerical requirements, some colleges have other criteria, such as faculty recommendations or a requirement that students complete a certain number of advanced courses and/or write an honors thesis.


At many schools, academic or disciplinary infractions will disqualify students from receiving Latin honors, no matter how good their grades are.

As a result of all of these factors, colleges and universities can vary widely in how many such honors they bestow on their graduates each year and how difficult or easy it is to obtain them. Some schools, such as Stanford University, don’t offer Latin honors at all. Most do, however, have an alternative system, so that stellar students don’t go unrecognized. Stanford, for example, awards a Bachelor’s Degree with Distinction to the top 15% of its graduating class based on their GPAs.

Most colleges that offer Latin (or other) honors post information about their criteria on their websites, frequently in a section devoted to graduation or commencement policies.

What Are the Criticisms of Cum Laude Awards?

While Latin honors can look good on a diploma, college transcript, or résumé, do they make any difference in real life? Two researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago, Pauline Khoo and Ben Ost, attempted to answer that question in a 2018 paper titled “The Effects of Graduating With Honors on Earnings.”

“We find that obtaining honors provides an economic return in the labor market, but this benefit only persists for two years,” they wrote. “By the third year after college, we see no effect of having received honors on wages, suggesting that firms may use the signal for new graduates, but they do not rely on the signal for determining the pay of more experienced workers.” They also found that the economic benefit applied only to students who had graduated from selective schools.

Critics of Latin honors are less concerned with their potential post-graduation benefits than the unintended effect they may have on students while they’re still in school. A 2011 editorial in Harvard University’s student newspaper, the Crimson, called for their abolition at the school.

“By rewarding students who achieve a minimum GPA across classes, the Latin honors system does more to discourage academic achievement than to encourage it. It encourages students to view classes outside of their concentration as a means to an end, the end being the highest possible grade, rather than an opportunity for intellectual exploration.”

Harvard, however, appears to have been unmoved by that argument and continues to award Latin honors as of this writing.

What Is the Difference Between Magna Cum Laude and Summa Cum Laude?

Summa cum laude is the top Latin distinction awarded, while magna is the second highest distinction. Both awards rank higher than cum laude.

What Is the Highest cum Laude?

The highest academic distinction is summa cum laude, followed by magna cum laude and cum laude. 

When Did Latin Honors Originate?

In the U.S. the Latin honors system can be traced back to 1869 at Harvard University. Only a few other countries, such as Indonesia, Israel, and Canada also use this academic award system. 

The U.K., on the other hand, uses a system in English instead, with just a handful of academic establishments using the Latin terminology. 

How Common Are Latin Honors?

In some colleges, almost half of students are awarded either summa cum laude, magna cum laude, or cum laude. In others, there are more students that are awarded latin honors than those who are not.

In fact, over the last two decades roughly 42%–48% of students at Princeton have been awarded one of these distinctions. At Harvard, they made the decision to cap these numbers after 91% of students graduated with honors in 2002. 

What GPA Do You Need for Magna cum Laude or Summa cum Laude?

The GPA standards will depend on the granting institution. Some use an absolute GPA threshold (for example above 3.5 or 3.7), while others take a segment of the best students (such as the top 5% of all students, ranked by GPA). Other criteria, in addition to raw GPA, may be considered as well.

For instance, to be awarded summa cum laude at the University of Pennsylvania, students must have a 3.8 GPA or higher. By contrast, Michigan’s Law School requires a GPA of 4.0. Harvard takes the top 4-5% of its student body as summa cum laude.

The Bottom Line

The main difference between magna cum laude and summa cum laude lies in the level of academic achievement they represent. Magna cum laude signifies high praise or honor, typically awarded to students with consistently outstanding academic performance, while summa cum laude denotes the highest praise or honor, reserved for students who have achieved the utmost excellence in their academic endeavors.

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