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10 Easy Ways to Increase Your Gas Mileage

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Reviewed by Margaret JamesReviewed by Margaret James

Improving your gas mileage not only saves you money but also benefits the environment. Here are 10 easy ways to maximize your vehicle’s gas mileage.

Key Takeaways

  • Regular maintenance is key to maximizing your vehicle’s fuel efficiency.
  • The cruise control feature reduces gas consumption. Use it when you can.
  • Rapid acceleration, and high speeds in general, use more gas.
  • Avoid rush hour if you can.

1. Go Easy on the Pedal

Speeding, braking, and rapid acceleration waste gas. According to Consumer Reports, reducing speed from 65 miles per hour to 55 miles per hour improved fuel economy by 6mpg to 8mpg in several vehicles.

Gas mileage efficiency tends to decrease above 50 miles per hour. A driver pays an equivalent of about 22 cents more for each gallon of gas for every five miles per hour that exceed 50 mph. While each vehicle has its own optimal speed for fuel efficiency, speeding can reduce fuel economy by 7% to 14%. Driving at slower speeds can save 26 to 51 cents per gallon.

2. Leave Extras at Home

Every 100 pounds of weight in your car reduces your gas mileage by up to 1%. The reduction is relative to the vehicle’s weight: Smaller vehicles are more affected by increased weight than larger ones. For every 100 pounds in extra weight, plan on spending up to four cents more per gallon.

3. Use Cruise Control

According to Edmunds, using cruise control under appropriate conditions can improve fuel economy by up to 14%. That’s a savings of about 43 cents per gallon.

4. Turn Off the Car

Idling gets zero miles per gallon and collectively consumes several billion gallons of fuel per year, according to the U.S. Department of Energy.

The California Energy Commission (CEC) advises that vehicles should be turned off if the expected wait will be longer than 10 seconds. An idling vehicle can burn as much as half a gallon of gas an hour, depending on air conditioning use. Turning the car off can save up to four cents per minute.

5. Check the Tire Pressure

According to the U.S. Department of Energy, 1.25 billion gallons of gasoline—about 1% of total consumption—are wasted yearly on under-inflated tires. Tires can lose about two pounds per square inch (psi) per month.

Each tire that is under-inflated by 10 psi reduces fuel economy by about 3.3%. Four tires that are under-inflated by 10 psi, then, would reduce a vehicle’s fuel economy by a substantial 10%, at an added cost of 31 cents per gallon.

Follow the guidelines in your vehicle’s owner’s manual, not the PSI that is stamped on the tire itself. (You’ll also find the guidelines on a sticker inside the driver’s side door jamb.)

6. Replace Spark Plugs

The National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence states that bad spark plugs can decrease fuel economy by up to 30%, which can cost drivers up to about 94 cents per gallon.

If a car’s gas mileage suddenly drops, there’s a good chance it’s because of misfiring spark plugs. Recommendations for how often spark plugs should be replaced range from every 20,000 miles to every 100,000 miles. Your owner’s manual will indicate the best schedule for your vehicle.

7. Check Tire Alignment

Misaligned tires drag instead of rolling freely. Improper alignment can reduce fuel efficiency by as much as 10%—about 31 cents per gallon. Moreover, the tires will wear out more quickly.

The main symptom of poor alignment is a vibration in the steering wheel. Tires should be balanced and rotated according to the vehicle’s owner’s manual to improve tire performance and fuel economy.

8. Replace the Air Filter

An air filter acts as a barrier, preventing contaminants like dust, dirt, and insects from entering the engine. By allowing only clean, particle-free air to pass through, the air filter ensures smooth engine operation. A dirty air filter can decrease fuel efficiency by about 10%. Consider replacing it routinely when you get the oil changed.

9. Fill Your Tank Early in the Morning or Late at Night

Fuel is dispensed by volume. If you fill your tank when it is coolest outside—early in the morning or late at night, and avoid the heat of the day—the fuel will be denser. As a result, you will get more gas for the same amount of money.

10. Avoid Rush Hour

Rush hour: it’s not just stressful, it’s not good for your car. If you can, consider driving at another time of day, because being stuck on the highway leads to stop-and-go moments and idling, which wastes gas.

What Are the Best Ways to Increase Gas Mileage?

Driving under the speed limit and using cruise control, as well as maintaining your vehicle properly, are good strategies for maximizing your vehicle’s gas mileage.

What Causes Poor Gas Mileage?

A car with almost any kind of mechanical issue will have poor mileage. That’s why regular maintenance is a must.

Depending on the type of vehicle, poor driving habits (including speeding, idling, and stomping on the gas pedal) also hurt mileage, reducing fuel economy by 15% to 30% at highway speeds and 10% to 40% in stop-and-go traffic conditions, according to the U.S. Department of Energy.

What Speed Gives the Best Miles Per Gallon (MPG)?

Each vehicle has its own optimal speed for efficiency, but generally, driving at 50 miles per hour or less yields the best fuel efficiency. Gas mileage efficiency tends to decrease at higher speeds, costing drivers more.

The Bottom Line

There’s a lot you can do to make a tank of gas last longer. You can avoid rush hour, change your gas-guzzling driving habits, and follow your vehicle’s maintenance schedule, to start.

Read the original article on Investopedia.
