Investing News

What Short Interest Tells Us

Short Interest: What It Tells Us

A stock’s short interest is the total number of shares that investors have sold short but have yet to close. As a percentage, it’s the number of shorted shares divided by the number of shares outstanding. A stock with 1.5 millions shares sold short and 10 millions shares outstanding has a short interest of 15%.Stock exchanges track short interest and issue reports that tell traders what short sellers are doing. The reports let traders gauge the sentiment surrounding a particular stock.If Microsoft’s short interest increased by 10% in one month, that’s a 10% increase in the number of people who think its share price will fall. That kind of shift means investors should be alert.While a high short-interest stock merits extreme caution, many contrarian investors use short interest to determine market direction. They think if everyone is selling, the stock is already low and can only move up.Some bullish investors think if a stock keeps rising, its short sellers will exit their positions. A short squeeze occurs when short sellers scramble to replace their borrowed stock, thus increasing its demand, decreasing supply, and forcing prices up.The short-interest ratio is the number of shares sold short divided by average daily volume. If Microsoft has a short interest of 75 million shares and an average daily volume of 70 million, its short-interest ratio is 1.07 days. That means it will take 1.07 days for short sellers to cover their positions in light of positive company news.

Reviewed by Samantha SilbersteinFact checked by David RubinReviewed by Samantha SilbersteinFact checked by David Rubin

Short sellers are traders who seek to profit from falling share prices. Short interest is a measure of the amount of short-selling against a company, expressed as a percentage of the total trading volume.

Many trading firms use short interest as a gauge of market sentiment. High short interest can be a sign that the market expects a share price to fall. Conversely, an extremely high short interest can also be a sign that short-sellers are unable to cover their positions and that the price will increase.

Key Takeaways

  • Short interest refers to the number of short sold shares that haven’t been closed or covered.
  • It is commonly expressed as a number or percentage.
  • Short interest is reported by many exchanges as it helps traders understand the overall market sentiment surrounding a particular stock.

The Art of Short Selling

Short selling is not like buying stocks. It involves selling securities that you don’t own. Rather, you borrow the security and sell it with the hope (or speculation) that the price will fall. If the price falls, you can buy them back and make a profit.

Let’s assume you see an opportunity in the stock of a struggling company and believe the price will fall. You can borrow the stock from your broker-dealer, sell it, and get the proceeds from the sale. If, after some time, the stock price declines, you can close out the position by buying the stock on the open market at the lower price, then return the stock to your broker. Since you paid less for the stock you returned to the broker than you received selling the originally borrowed stock, you realize a gain.

But there is a catch: You lose money if the price rises. This is because you have to buy the stock back at a higher price. Your broker-dealer can also demand that the position be closed out at any time, regardless of the stock price. This demand typically occurs only if the broker-dealer feels the creditworthiness of the borrower is too risky for the firm.

Short Interest Shows Sentiment

Short interest is the total number of shares of a particular stock that have been sold short by investors but have not yet been covered or closed out. This figure can be expressed as a number or as a percentage.

When expressed as a percentage, short interest is the number of shorted shares divided by the number of shares outstanding. For example, a stock with 1.5 million shares sold short and 10 million shares outstanding has a short interest of 15% (1.5 million ÷ 10 million = 15%).

Most stock exchanges track the short interest in each stock and issue reports at month’s end, although Nasdaq is among those reporting twice monthly. These reports are great for traders because they allow people to gauge the overall market sentiment surrounding a particular stock by showing what short-sellers are doing. 


Short selling often involves high costs, including borrowing costs and interest on margin accounts. You must also cover any other payments derived from the security, such as dividends or coupon payments.

News Drives Changes in Short Interest 

A large increase or decrease in a stock’s short interest from the previous month can be a very telling indicator of investor sentiment. Let’s say that Microsoft’s short interest increased by 10% in one month. This suggests that there was a 10% increase in the number of people who believe the stock price will decrease.

Such a significant shift provides a good reason for investors to find out more. We would need to check the current research and any recent news reports to see what is happening with the company and why more investors are selling its stock.

A high short-interest stock should be approached with extreme caution, but not necessarily avoided at all cost. Like all investors, short sellers aren’t perfect and have been known to be wrong. Many contrarian investors use short interest as a tool to determine the direction of the market.

The rationale is that if everyone sells, the stock is already at its low and can only move up. Contrarians feel a high short-interest ratio is bullish because, eventually, there will be significant upward pressure on the stock’s price as short-sellers cover their short positions. 

Understanding the Short Interest Ratio

The short interest ratio is the number of shares sold short (short interest) divided by the average daily volume. This is often called the days-to-cover ratio because it determines, based on the stock’s average trading volume, how many days it will take short sellers to cover their positions if positive news about the company lifts the price.

Let’s assume a stock has a short interest of 40 million shares, while the average daily volume of shares traded is 20 million. Doing a quick and easy calculation (40,000,000 ÷ 20,000,000), we find that it would take two days for all of the short sellers to cover their positions.

The higher the ratio, the longer it will take to buy back the borrowed shares, which is an important factor upon which traders or investors decide whether to take a short position. Typically, if the days to cover stretch past eight or more days, covering a short position could prove difficult.

The New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) Short Interest Ratio

The New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) short interest ratio is another great metric that can be used to determine the sentiment of the overall market. The NYSE short-interest ratio is the same as short interest except it is calculated as monthly short interest on the entire exchange divided by the average daily volume of the NYSE for the last month.

For example, suppose there are five billion shares sold short in August and the average daily volume on the NYSE for the same period is one billion shares per day. This gives us a NYSE short-interest ratio of five (5 billion ÷ 1 billion). This means that, on average, it will take five days to cover the entire short position on the NYSE.

In theory, a higher NYSE short interest ratio indicates more bearish sentiment toward the exchange and the world economy as a whole by extension.

Getting Caught in the Short Squeeze

Some bullish investors see high short interest as an opportunity. This outlook is based on the short interest theory. The rationale is if you short sell a stock and it keeps rising rather than falling, you’ll most likely want to get out before you lose your shirt.

A short squeeze occurs when short sellers scramble to replace their borrowed stock, thereby increasing demand, decreasing supply, and forcing prices up. Short squeezes tend to occur more often in small-cap stocks, which have a very small float (supply). Large caps are certainly not immune to this situation.

If a stock has a high short interest, short positions may be forced to liquidate and cover their position by purchasing the stock. If a short squeeze occurs and enough short sellers buy back the stock, the price could go even higher. Unfortunately, however, this is a very difficult phenomenon to predict. 

How Does Short Selling Work?

Short selling is a trading strategy based on speculation. It involves borrowing shares from a broker and selling them with the hope that the price will fall. If the price falls, you can purchase the shares and give them back to the broker. You end up realizing a gain from the price difference. Because it’s a speculative tactic, it shouldn’t be used by inexperienced traders. Even those with a lot of investment and trading experience should do their due diligence before executing this type of strategy.

What Is Naked Short Selling?

Naked short selling is an illegal practice. It involves short selling securities that you haven’t borrowed from someone else or aren’t confirmed to exist. This means that you haven’t assumed the risk of borrowing the security before selling it. It is a very risky practice, which can result in a failure to deliver (FTD) if you can’t afford or deliver the asset to the buyer. Naked short selling is illegal because there is a great deal of financial risk involved, may lead to fraud, and can lead to artificial swings in the market.

Can I Short Sell Exchange-Traded Funds?

You can short sell exchange-traded funds (ETFs) because they are treated just like stocks. The process of short selling these securities is the same as stocks. This means opening a margin account, borrowing shares of the ETF, placing your trade, closing your trade by buying the same number of shares you sold, and returning them to the broker. Keep in mind that you must pay your broker any dividends received if the ETF pays them.

The Bottom Line

Although it can be a telling sentiment indicator, an investment decision should not be based entirely on a stock’s short interest. That said, investors often overlook this ratio and its usefulness despite its widespread availability. Unlike the fundamentals of a company, the short interest requires little or no calculations.

Half a minute to look up short interest can help provide valuable insight into investor sentiment toward a particular company or exchange. Whether you agree with the overall sentiment or not, it is a data point worth adding to your overall analysis of a stock.

Read the original article on Investopedia.
